You have grown your company, you now have more employees than ever before. Some of those employees have been with you for a while, other have just started working for you. Because you are no longer in a situation which allows you to work directly with each individual employee,( you’re outnumbered), you have to trust the other employees will impart the proper culture to the new employees. That doesn’t always happen, so maybe you need to implement an orientation seminar. Instead of you, the owner, conducting the training, perhaps you can charge one of your senior employees with this task.
I just read an article by Dr. Travis Bradberry that sites several workplace rules which are likely to make good people quit their jobs and go elsewhere. Since many of the companies I work with don’t have a big in office staff, they are mostly service based companies, the rules he cited don’t necessarily apply to the types of companies here in Vero. But the flavor of what he’s talking about does. First, reward good work. If a brand new employee is performing well and is adding to the value of your company, reward him or her. The fastest way to lose a valuable new employee is to not reward good work. If this person doesn’t feel valued, they will take their talents to another company, or start their own company.
It can be difficult to recognize things that may be making it difficult to retain good employees. Perhaps we can help you with that. At Complete Employee Solutions we offer Human Resource consulting. We can help with employee manuals, hold meeting with your employees to find out what they like and don’t like about the company, and share those ideas with you in order to help you build a stronger organization with less turn over.
Complete Employee Solutions also handles Employee Leasing for companies. There are times when it makes more financial sense to “lease” employees rather than hire them on. If you would like to know more about employee leasing, we can set up an appointment with you. All you need to do is give us a call.
Jennifer Comer