When I first moved here a few years ago, businesses were just beginning to hire again. There were plenty of people to choose from because there will still quite a few people who were either unemployed or underemployed. From my point of view, the payroll and accounting view-point, I have watched local businesses add people and customers and it makes me happy. It also makes me pretty busy, but that, is they say, a good problem to have.
For some of those businesses, it’s time to take a step back and look at the big picture. Where do they want to go from here? Do they grown their companies more, or do they re-tool and get more efficient and run with the staff they have. Should there be some training programs implemented? Perhaps new software to track sales performance and profitability? Would it be a good idea to supply field personnel with tablets and an app that is customized to their business?
Is it time to hire someone to run the day to day management of the business? Is it time to develop official HR policies? Those are just a few of the questions these business owners should be asking themselves.
Between myself, and my partners, Anthony and Matt, we are able to help by looking at things with a different perspective. We can help with those critical decisions about personnel. We can also help with financial decisions and options.
I read an article that pointed out how some of us can stunt the growth of our company by trying to hard to keep control of every aspect of the business. Let’s face it, when we start a company we are often forced to handle all types of tasks, whether we are truly suited to them or not. But once we are up and running then it’s time to hand over some of these tasks to people who are more suited to them.
Once a company gets to a certain size, it’s simply not feasible for one person to handle everything effectively. There will be somethings that will inevitably fall through the cracks, and that is what starts a business on a downhill slide. So hire good people, train them, communicate with them and then let them do their jobs.
Oh, and it might be a good idea to have me do your payroll too!
Jennifer Comer