When the group ManpowerGroup Solutions conducted a survey, they found that they type of work that potential employees would be doing came in as more important than salary as the most important factor in taking a position with a new company.
They surveyed over 4,00 job seekers in the most influential job markets throughout the world and over half of the people who took the survey said that the kind of work they would be doing as one of the most important factors in their choice. From the SHRM post:
““I think a lot of people start their careers with compensation on their mind first and foremost, but will quickly find out that without feeling value in what they do on a daily basis or feeling like they are contributing to something, compensation does not really fill that void,” said Catherine Pylant, global talent acquisition manager at WilsonHCG, an RPO, consulting and executive search firm based in Tampa, Fla. “Enjoying the type of work that one does is really what will get them out of bed in the morning and have them continue to be motivated to go to work every day.”
While it was previously a means to an end, “a job is now a more-integrated part of a holistic way of life,” said Yvette Moncrieffe, director of client delivery for ManpowerGroup Solutions, North America.
For those candidates looking to switch jobs, however, cash is still king—an increase in pay is twice as strong a motivator as the type of work for job hoppers. Exceptions to this were found in the U.K. and Australia, where type of work exceeded compensation as a reason to switch jobs.
For respondents as a whole, after type of job and compensation, job seekers were most interested in benefits offered (44 percent), geographic location (39 percent), opportunity for advancement (35 percent), schedule flexibility (31 percent), and company brand or reputation (20 percent).
Mexico was the only country to indicate opportunity for advancement as the second most important motivator, after compensation. “This may be related to the additional finding that 49 percent of candidates from Mexico believe one of their greatest career challenges is the lack of access to quality jobs,” said ManpowerGroup Solutions Senior Vice President and Global RPO President Kate Donovan.
If you have any questions or need assistance with hiring new employees, don’t be shy, give us a call @Complete Employee Solutions, we can help!
Jennifer Comer
– See more at: https://www.shrm.org/hrdisciplines/staffingmanagement/articles/pages/job-seekers-value-type-of-job-pay.aspx#sthash.sr9S52Jg.dpuf