Phew..we made it through another one. And here in Vero Beach our businesses are having a banner year. They have more business than they have had in quite some time. They are busy and stressed and they will grumble a little, but they are all grateful for a good year.
Take a moment and breathe. Then open your laptop, or take out your tablet, and make a list of what you want to do next year. I am NOT talking about those doomed New Year’s Resolutions that most of us hate, I am talking about a plain old TO DO List.
Let me get you started:
- Clean off my desk
- file important papers, trash the rest
- Send out ALL remaining invoices for work completed this month
- Review your bank statements and see where you spent your money this year.
Those are just the very beginning, keep writing, and then DO THE HARD ONE”S FIRST.
We are always tempted to do the easy tasks, but if tackle the more difficult ones first, while your resolve is still strong, then your reward is zipping through those easy ones!!
Jennifer Comer